While we take every precaution for the safekeeping and handling of all print, film, digital file, negative, transparency and original artwork, submitting these materials for capture, printing, mounting, laminating, or other handling constitutes an AGREEMENT by you that any damage or loss by our company, subsidiary, or agents for any reason, including, without limitation, damage or loss due to unpredictable defects in materials, or even due to the negligence or other fault of our company, subsidiary, or agents, will entitle you only to replacement with a like amount of unexposed film and processing, or, in the case of mounting, another print, when possible, and only when initially produced by us. Except for such replacement, the acceptance by our company, subsidiary, and/or agents of the film, print, slide, negative, transparency or artwork is without other warranty or liability, and recovery for any incidental or consequential damages is excluded. Should any material submitted involve high value the onus is upon the client to appropriately insure it. We reserve the right to refuse to accept originals without a signed release stating the above.