Weekly conversations on art and design

Spend your lunch hour learning about the latest in art and design during our Lunch on Fridays lectures. These events are free and open to the public. They take place in CIA's Peter B. Lewis Theater. Some lectures will also be available virtually.

Parking: Lunch on Fridays attendees may park in any of CIA's parking lots: Lot 73, Lot 74 and the Annex Lot, all of which surround our campus. Please note that signs posted around those lots correctly state that parking typically requires a CIA permit or visitor pass and that violators will be ticketed. However, to accommodate our valued Lunch on Fridays attendees, that policy won't be enforced during the program. Have questions? Please contact Reinberger Gallery at reinbergergallery@cia.edu or 216.421.7407.


Next Program:

2024 Alumni Exhibition Reception Opening, June 21st

Cleveland Institute of Art is supported in part by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.


Next Lunch on Friday:

Lunch on Friday's have concluded for the semester! We'll announce our Fall Semester lectures in August!