Change my employee password using a CIA-owned computer

Updated on

After changing your password you will be required to log in again to all services and apps which use your CIA account.

It may take up to 30 minutes for all systems to recognize your new password.

You will not be able to use a previous password

Choose your Location for the appropriate instructions

On Campus

The recommended password change method for staff and faculty is to be on campus and logged into the network. The following steps will update your password across all network accounts. Other methods may cause syncing to fail between systems.


Ctrl + Alt + Del security screen

While on campus and logged into your computer:

  1. Press together Ctrl + Alt + Del to open the security screen.
  2. Select ‚'Change a password'
  3. Enter your OLD password
  4. Enter your NEW password
  5. Confirm your NEW password
  6. If you experience any issues with this process, submit a support ticket using

Windows may prompt you to lock the computer and log in again

Reference Image:

Mac without Kerberos SSO Login - Deployed 2020-2023

While on campus and logged into your CIA-owned computer:

Change your password

If you know your password and can use it to log in to your account, you can change your password in Users & Groups preferences:

  1. Choose System Preferences or System Settings from the Apple menu, then click Users & Groups.
  2. Select the "i" icon next to your user name from the list of users.
  3. Click the Change Password button, then follow the onscreen instructions.
  4. If you experience any issues with this process, submit a support ticket using .

Reference Images:

Mac with Kerberos SSO Login - Deployed 2023-2024

While on campus and logged into your CIA-owned computer:

Change your password

If you know your password and can use it to log in to your account, you can change your password using the Kerberos SSO "Key" icon in your menu bar:

  1. Click the small key icon in the top right corner of your screen and select “Change Password” from the drop down menu.
  2. Enter your current CIA password and new password where prompted. Kerberos SSO should let you know if your new password meets the requirements of CIA's password policy.
  3. Kerberos SSO will let you know if the password has been changed successfully and will also sync your Mac's login password to this new password at the same time.
  4. If you experience any issues with this process, submit a support ticket using .

Reference Images:

Off Campus

Password management with Onelogin should only take place when/if

  • You don't have access to the CIA campus network or are only connecting to CIA Guest
  • You need to change your password immediately and are not on campus

To change your password with Onelogin:

  1. In a web browser go to
  2. Log in with your CIA credentials
  3. Select your name in the top right corner
  4. Choose 'Profile'
  5. In the top rectangle next to your email address choose 'Change Password'
  6. Enter your 'Current Password' and enter your new password twice.
  7. Choose 'Save'
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